Pornstar Martini Cupcakes – The Cocktail Collection

Hi Bakers!

Below is my Pornstar Martini Cupcake recipe; which is the first addition to ‘The Cocktail Collection’

A Pornstar Martini is my go-to cocktail (I know, I know – basic b*tch) so I had to create a cupcake recipe based on my fave drink!

This recipe includes passionfruit curd which I found in Waitrose but you could always use lemon curd if you can’t find any – I’m sure they’d still taste great!

I’ve also used Prosecco extract in the icing which can be found online, but if you don’t have time to order then use 50ml Prosecco and 50g LESS butter and add more icing sugar if it’s too soft.

Or you can reduce 50ml of Prosecco on the hob until it’s reduced to just a couple tablespoons of Prosecco yumminess and use a tablespoon of that instead (you’ll get a stronger Prosecco flavour in a smaller amount where it’s been reduced).


For the cupcakes:
140g self raising flour
140g butter (stork is best)
140g caster sugar
3 large eggs
A dash of vanilla extract
Zest of 1 lime

For the filling:
200g Passionfruit curd (brought from Waitrose)

For the icing:
250g butter (Lurpak is what I would recommend)
500g icing sugar
3 tbsp double cream
2 tsp Prosecco extract (+/- tsp depending on personal taste)
2 passion fruits for decoration

12 hole muffin tray
12 muffin cases (if you only have fairy cake cases then this recipe will make 18)
Electric whisk (not essential but saves on the arm ache!)
Piping set
Cupcake/apple corer (or you can easily use a knife!)


1. Preheat the oven to 150°C. To make the cake batter; whisk together the butter and caster sugar until light and fluffy.

2. Instead of sieving the self raising flour simply mix it with a hand whisk (not electric) to remove any lumps. (This trick works great for flour – but not so great for icing sugar so where icing sugar is concerned always sieve!)

3. Add one egg to the butter/sugar mixture and 1/3 of the flour – whisk until well combined. Then add another egg and half of the left over flour – whisk until combined. Then add the remaining egg and what’s left of the flour – you guessed it – whisk until well combined! Note: you can just chuck all ingredients together and whisk until fully combined but you may not get the same light fluffy sponge!

4. Add a dash of vanilla extract and the lime zest and mix again

5. Line the muffin tin with 12 muffin cases and split the cake batter mixture evenly between them.

6. Bake in the oven until golden brown on top and springy to the touch. 20-25 minutes (I usually bake mine for 22 minutes but all ovens can vary!)

7. Once cooked cool on a wire rack. Make sure the cupcakes are fully cooled before attempting to cut out the hole in the middle or ice.

8. To make the icing: whisk butter until light and fluffy. My butter of choice is Lurpak – with icing I’m not adding colour to I want the closest to white I can get without compromising on taste – Lurpak whips up really light whereas other butters tend to be yellow!

9. Sieve the icing sugar and whisk into the whipped butter a heap at a time – keep going until all icing sugar is combined.

10. Add the Prosecco extract and 3 tbsp of double cream and whisk again – the cream isn’t essential but I think it adds that little bit extra!

11. If your buttercream seems a little soft then pop it in the fridge to harden it up again – you want it soft enough fo pipe but firm enough to hold its shape! You can always add more icing sugar if you don’t have time to leave it in the fridge.

12. Use a cupcake/apple corer to cut out a hole in the middle of the cupcakes – you want this in the centre of the cupcake and the hole to be about halfway down the cup cake.

13. Spoon in the passionfruit curd into the cupcake holes.

14. Now use your buttercream to ice your cakes any way you fancy! I piped mine on and then finish by sprinkling the fresh passionfruit over the icing! Note: if you have any icing left over you can pop it in the freezer and will last for 3 months – just re-whisk when defrosted!

15. Enjoy!

If you try my recipe please tag me on Instagram @bakingwithbumble and use the hashtag #bakingwithbumble – I would love to see your creations!

Happy baking!

Love Bumble x